Blog - Adult Onset Vitelliform Dystrophy
A 41 year old male patient came with history of diminished vision in both eyes since 5 months. His best corrected visual acuity was 6/6 in both eyes with glasses. Fundus evaluation showed subretinal fluid at macula with subretinal fibrin deposition inferior to fovea.

OCT : shows a hyperreflective material between neurosensory retina and RPE

Clinical Manifestations
Classically, AVMD changes include
- Sporadic, although some familial clustering has been reported,
- Onset typically between 30-50 years of age,
- Autofluorescent, subfoveal yellow vitelliform-like lesion 500-700µm in size,
- No visual symptoms, or-mild-moderate visual acuity decrease,
- Hyperreflective material between the NSR and the RPE.
Complications of AVMD include:
Choroidal neovascularization,
RPE detachment
At present, no definitive therapies or treatments exist for patients with bestrophinopathies.
- Gene therapies
- Stem cell based retinal pigment epithelium transplantation
Both the therapies are under intense research